Friday, May 13, 2011

First Post!

This blog is about cataloging and sharing something that I've always enjoyed and been skilled at - sketching! I'm an architect in Seattle who doesn't design as much as I'd like, so I sketch on the fly as a creative outlet.

Over time, I've come to appreciate architectural elevations as my drawing of choice. These sketches illustrate the basic importance of scale, proportion, materiality, and detail while also leaving much to the imagination. What do the other sides look like? What are the landscape and site conditions? What's it like inside? In Architecture school I found that drawing elevations was a form of concept generation that worked well for me.

As I begin to draw, I usually have no design agenda in mind, just a graphic intuition that leads me in different directions. The discovery of ideas along the way is what keeps me coming back.

For anyone stopping by, I hope that you enjoy some of my work.